Frequently Asked Questions
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How long is the delivery time?
Within we usually deliver your order in 1-3 working days after receipt of payment.
How much are the shipping costs?
Deliveries abroad may incur customs duties, taxes and fees that are not included in the total price displayed.
Are my returns free?
We would be happy to offer you a free return. But as a small online shop, we also have to struggle with the increasing shipping costs. Therefore, the return costs are always to be borne by the buyer. As soon as we have found a way here, we will of course offer you the return immediately free of charge.
What are the payment methods?
We would be happy to offer you a free return. But as a small online shop, we also have to struggle with the increasing shipping costs. Therefore, the return costs are always to be borne by the buyer. As soon as we have found a way here, we will of course offer you the return immediately free of charge.